Many people think that speech recognition is only useful in an assistive technology capacity. In other words, Dragon users are ordinarily people with a learning or physical disability. This is incorrect. While Dragon has revolutionised many people’s lives by enabling those with dyslexia to bypass some of the frustration of spelling by dictating instead of writing or typing, it’s useful to any student. For those living with some form of temporary or permanent disability, it empowers them by giving them the ability to navigate, type and work using the software’s powerful commands and macros. While it certainly changes lives, the misconception is that it’s specifically designed for those with special requirements.

misconceptions around speech recognition

This couldn’t be further from the truth. Dragon is for everyone, whether you need it to help enable you, if you’re wanting to be productive or both. The software boasts typing speeds of up to 140 words per minute. That’s almost three times the speed of average typists who are sitting at around 50 words per minute. Plus it’s easier to use than being hunched over a keyboard. While the software is primarily known for its amazing ability to turn thoughts into type at record-breaking speeds, it’s so much more than just a transcription tool.

Doctors use the software to improve their patient management, note taking and medical reporting. It enables them to get work done quickly and immediately whether they’re doing ward rounds, consulting with patients, creating a post-operative report or sending referral letters. Dragon’s able to assist them with all of these functions. The same goes for lawyers who are drafting legal documents, contracts or wanting to have boilerplate templates on command. Dragon enables these professionals to be more independent, not have to rely on support staff and complete their work the first time. Not having to review typed reports, wait on typing pools or outsourcing their work at great expense, it’s an absolute life-saver!

Just about anyone who uses a computer can get great results from Dragon. While report generation is a big component, it’s also great to be able to send emails, complete assignments, draft opinions or even write memoirs. The software saves users time by improving their productivity, freeing their hands up to check notes, makes it possible to get dictation done on site visits and stores a copy of the voice notes in case you need to refer to them later. Dragon’s for everyone!

8 Common Misconceptions Around Speech Recognition – #1 It’s Only For People Who Can’t Type
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