We’re connected to our devices, which serve as phones, calculators, cameras, calendars and entertainment hubs. It really is becoming a question of what can’t you do with your cellphone these days. With a multitude of apps designed around fulfilling some of the most basic functions to some of the most integral, we’re geared towards getting things done instantly and soaking up every minute of each day.

Culture drives us to stay in contact, respond immediately to messages and take whatever time technology does save us and plow it back into leading productive lives. While establishing a balance when it comes to work and play should be the goal of the next age of business, we can get there by working smarter, not harder. Speech recognition software is a massive game-changer when it comes to winning back your weekends. Being able to get work done instantaneously and quickly enables people to clear their mind of important information when the details are still sharp in their minds.
get work done while driving
Incorporating speech recognition software into your work can help reduce repetitive stress injuries, risk of carpal tunnel syndrome and prevent you from hunching over your keyboard. Beyond the health and productivity enhancement, it can actually allow you to work while you drive.

Imagine you’re stuck in traffic, required to take a cross-country journey to meet a client or travel forms a major component of your operations. Ordinarily, that time would seem wasted. Some folks may choose to schedule a phone call or mull things over on a journey but it’s not the most efficient use of your time. Dragon enables you to draft documents and memos. Using a hands-free car kit and plugging it into your digital recorder or smartphone, you’ll be able to dictate as you drive.

Switch off the radio, plug your hands-free kit in, ensure the microphone is close enough to your mouth and that there isn’t too much ambient noise and you’ll be able to have a full report done by the time you pull into the parking garage. Pairing the recording with your speech recognition software will allow you to have it automatically transcribed and ready to deploy.

It’s an amazing time-saver and will make those long car drives seem much more productive and a lot less frustrating when you’re able to turn them into time well spent. Contact us to find out more about incorporating Dragon into your work environment and facilitating this drive and dictate function.

Get Work Done While Driving with Dragon Speech Recognition
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