Dragon is life-changing for medical professionals. Reporting, referral letters, patient notes, emails and practice management software can be a major headache for doctors who are trying to keep on top of their documentation. Accurate reporting is a must, so it’s important to follow-through with this often downplayed aspect of the job. While not all specialisations require extensive reporting, but it’s essential for medical professionals to keep a clear paper trail. Not only is it important when it comes to patient care but also when it comes to medico-legal matters.

Dragon Medical is always an option, which we’re happy to offer our clients. You may want to talk to us about how you can incorporate another more cost-effective version of the software into your medical practice at a fraction of the cost of the full Medical suite.

dragon for medical practitioners

Speech recognition software enables doctors to keep better records, stay up-to-date on reports and avoid getting overwhelmed by the paper work side of their practice. Some use a digital recorder to take notes while doing their ward rounds only to have these audio files automatically transcribed by Dragon back at their office. Others like to integrate Dragon into their patient notes sections of the practice management software. Then, there are those are want to be so up-to-speed that they dictate their notes in-between consultations.

Being able to clear your head, focus on the next patient and compose accurate notes quickly and without unnecessary turnaround delays is critical. That’s why Dragon has become so integral when it comes to medical reporting. Not only are doctors able to use their time more efficiently, managing the note taking side of their profession, they’re also able to save on transcription costs. Being able to be independent means there’s less double-checking, proofing typed work and best of all – Dragon does all the spelling for you!

It’s an easy decision to integrate Dragon into your daily routine. Being able to be hands-free at your desk means you can refer to short hand notes, patient files or simply improve your posture. Getting through reams of emails is a pleasure and attending to the administrative side of being a doctor just becomes so much more enjoyable. It’s a great choice for those whose typing speed is slow and for doctors at any stage of their career. Starting out, save by doing your own transcription and improve relations with referring GPs thanks to speedy turnarounds on letters. Decades into the job? Improve routine tasks by creating templates on command or macros to speed things up!

A once-off investment means you can keep using Dragon as long as the version of the software remains compatible with supporting applications.

Dragon for Medical Practitioners
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