Speech recognition software enables users to get through more work in less time. It’s as simple as that. Being a productivity tool, the software is designed to fit into your work space and improve the speed of generating emails and documents. This is particularly useful in the public relations sector. Whether drafting a new press release or liaising with media, Dragon makes the life of a PR agent that much easier.

Dragon Boost PR Firm Productivity

Being so focused on communication-orientated and repetitive tasks, Dragon makes life easier by allowing users to breeze through emails. Being on the forefront of PR, email is a huge aspect of the job and getting a couple of hundred emails a day, you need to make sure you stay on top of things. Trying to keep all the balls in the air, Dragon can help with the orchestration of feedback. Instead of typing away furiously, PR people can communicate swiftly by email giving themselves time to focus on the nuts and bolts of the work without being weighed down by the facilitation.

Quickly responding to emails and having the time to give full answers can make the quality of the communication better, build better media and client relationships and lead to continued success in generating additional publicity. While the admin side can be a drudge, using Dragon makes it easier to cope and not become overwhelmed by the never-ending list of emails. Moreover, creating time-saving voice commands to execute repetitive processes can make a big difference. For example, if you find yourself responding by email with a stock standard response, consider how much quicker it would be to say “Insert Email Response 2” or “Insert Email Response 3” instead of scrambling to find a similar email to copy and paste or retyping each response. As quick as your typing speed may be, Dragon never makes a spelling error and keeps up with your dictation making instantaneous replies more feasible.

When it comes to press releases, the software can help with a basic template to get you started. If your client always includes a paragraph or two at the bottom of every outgoing communication about their business with a logo and website address, you can add this as a custom autotext command in Dragon. Having everything at your fingertips is a time-saver and being able to sit back in your chair and dictate everything can be invaluable. Businesses used to be run over the telephone but now with the digital age turning more and more communication into data, being able to keep the inbox under control and the communication in check is critical to establishing a strong base of operations in the public relations game. This is true for any PR company, whether you’re a start up, boutique agency or operating as part of a much broader corporate firm.

How Dragon Can Boost PR Firm Communications and Productivity
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