After another eventful year in 2021, everyone is eager to just cross the finish line (or draw one behind them) and what better way to do that than together with friends and family. While the festive season may play out for each of us differently, depending on your location, lockdown restrictions and relationships, we trust you remain safe in chiming in 2022 wherever in the world you are.
Dragon’s productivity boosting software is designed to save you more time. While most people’s first instinct is to plow that time-saving into getting more work done, the other option is using some of that extra time to spend with friends or family. It’s important to get a good balance when it comes to work and play and while HCD is geared towards making better choices and more efficient use of time, one of our goals is to make it possible for you to not take work home on weekends or holidays.
If you’re thinking ahead and wanting to make 2022 more productive for someone you love, consider a practical gift like Dragon. It’s a product that’s special enough to be a thoughtful gift and beneficial enough to be the gift that keeps on giving. For busy professionals who create documents and emails all day, it’s a game-changer. For someone who doesn’t have full use of their hands, it can enable them to find work, write a novel or use a computer as efficiently if not more than colleagues.
For Dragon users, why not consider helping them upgrade their headset from USB wired to wireless so they can have more portability and not be tethered to their PC. If they want to be able to take their dictation wherever they go, you may even consider a digital recorder to make it easier for them to get work done in traffic, in-between meetings or out in the field.
Whatever you decide, ensure this break is filled with laughter, nostalgia, happy memories and use the time to reflect on what lies ahead. For many of us, it’ll only be up so if you want to spread Christmas cheer, consider making a generous donation to an organisation that looks after those who need the help or company this festive season.