We live in an age where getting more done in less time is the goal. The time we save typically gets reinvested into our work lives to the point where we’ve actually just got to get through all our work to take some much-needed down time. Getting through all your work may sound like a moving target, and it is for many, who don’t have quantitative tasks. Yet, in either case you will feel like you’ve accomplished more and be so much closer to attaining that next goal by integrating speech-to-text software such as Dragon.

dragon speech to text in south africa

Almost any computer user can find a productive and time-saving use for Dragon’s speech-to-text ability. Dragon probably won’t be as easily integrated into the world of a programmer as it would an attorney, but there are many aspects to the programme that don’t get the attention as its zippy speech recognition and transcription facility. For coders, dictating code would probably be easier done via a keyboard but you could improve your workflow by using Dragon to keep in touch with clients via email and even adopt some workflow improvements by creating shortcut commands to deploy regular blocks of code or even tags.

Creating custom commands, incorporating templates, figuring out frequently answered responses to speed up the repeat tasks… there’s a range of ways Dragon can improve your day without even looking at it as a pure transcription tool. Keyboards have had a great run and as much as laser light keyboards may think they’re the next step in the evolution of input methods, the next logical step is speech recognition software.

Since screens are gravitating towards touch instead of mouse motions, it seems a bit cumbersome to have a keyboard that you either attach via Bluetooth, unroll in a rubber form or flip open to connect with your portable screen. While headsets have been the easiest way to dictate to your device thanks to the uniformity of the microphone’s position and the quality of the hardware, bypassing the electrical interference of jack inputs, they’re also becoming less of a must.

We’re still at a stage where they’re the preferred method because of their noise-cancelling technology, which assists in a busy environment but it seems like we’re only years away from less intrusive technology. So wherever you’re at in your life… whether you’re wanting to use Dragon to make it quicker to get school assignments and essays done faster or if you’re thinking about checking off a bucket list item like writing your memoirs, speak to us.

HCD has a long track record when it comes to offering Dragon and related training and tech support services in South Africa. Our company has been in the game for decades, which makes us adept at molding the software to your needs and customising it so that applies to your specific environment.

Dragon Speech-to-Text in South Africa
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