It may seem like a fairly archaic idea to have a scribe to wile away the hours blathering away as they jot down and interpret your “writing” into intelligible strings of words. Employing someone to decipher your musings and transcribe these ideas into letters and words may be happening in today’s world but it’s still archaic. The days of hovering over someone who’s simply there to listen and type should be over with the proliferation of speech recognition software.
Transcriptionists still do the slog as they transcribe recordings verbatim or according to a special set of learned criteria or specialist terminology, but the process seems a bit unnecessary. As transcriptionists too discover the power of speech recognition products like Dragon, it appears that this situation of having a speaker and a scribe is being outdated for a number of reasons.
People are discovering they can have software and hardware do the listening without having to pay ongoing wages for their attention. In fact, Dragon is available whenever you need it so that whenever priority or inspiration strikes… it’s there to listen and transcribe.
This is why many people who want to leave a written legacy choose speech recognition to “write” their memoirs. You don’t need to have someone on standby to type it out. You don’t need to even know how to type. It’s the perfect solution for anyone just wanting to reminisce about their fondest life stories with their feet kicked up.
Clearing their head. Doing it in their own time. Being able to dictate wherever they can record in a reasonably quiet environment. It’s easy enough to get reams of writing done without breaking a sweat. Whether you’re waxing lyrical about your earliest childhood memories and shenanigans or going for something even more ambitious in writing a novel or a screenplay – choose HCD and Dragon to help you turn wishful thinking and bucket list items into a reality.