Dragon speech recognition software is best known as a speech-to-text transcription tool but doesn’t get enough credit for its immense power and functionality when it comes to workflow productivity. It’s all good and well to be able to dictate and have your words magically appear on the screen without touching the keyboard, but being able to call up reams of text on voice command is even more incredible.
The trick to enhancing your work with these time-saving autotext and template features is being able to identify where you can make them most valuable. It’s one thing to know about them, it’s another making them work for you. Start by jotting down notes. Whenever you come across a repetitive task, keep track of what it is you could have at your fingertips.
For example, it could be the option of dropping your signature into a document by using a graphic custom command. Or, perhaps if you’re covering a very routine task, you could add the overview as a custom command on standby. This works particularly well for surgeons who often go through the same procedure and only have to make minor alterations. Maybe you have a few frequently asked questions that crop up in your job. If you’re getting tired of responding in the same way each time, copy the text and create a custom command to improve your work flow.
If you’re looking for assistance with this, or even assessing your work flow for recommendations, look no further than HCD for all support queries and consultation requests.