The discussion on AI technology is reaching fever pitch as consumers and professionals consider the future implications and possibilities of incorporating this kind of intelligence into daily operations. While we’ve come to rely on AI for everything from GPS navigation to predictive text on our mobile phones, it’s getting to the point where it’s able to scour the internet and replicate content at the drop of a hat.
The problem with today’s rapidly evolving technology is that lawmakers aren’t able to keep up with the demand for new guidelines governing the integration and implementation of these technologies. One of the biggest fears about AI is the technology’s ability to do what professionals are paid to do in seconds flat. Able to mold itself to a number of factors with a click of a button and a few radio buttons or keywords, AI is able to create spectacular artwork based on other art and create well-written documents.
This competitive edge will undoubtedly lead employers to choose cheaper alternatives to get such pinpoint results. A fraction of the cost, it’s impossible for designers and writers to compete with the speed of delivery. So, naturally AI is becoming a hot topic in the wake of discussions over the prevalence of ChatGPT and headlines about AI’s constant improvements.
While Dragon doesn’t really get into the arena of speaking about its artificial intelligence, the software’s deep learning does have aspects of AI in the way it molds user profiles according to the frequency of words and syntax of its user. Being able to learn from the way you dictate, Dragon makes itself more accurate by narrowing the vocabulary and getting to the point of trying to anticipate what to expect. It may start to integrate other aspects but already does a lot with the artificial intelligence onboard as it scans through documents to adapt to writing styles.
Thankfully, the software still is locked into your sandbox, meaning that it’s not simply scanning through all your documents to get a better comprehension while you’re not looking. You’re still in charge and Dragon will only pick up on words you feed it or dictate through the system. Also, Nuance understand and value your privacy, which is why they’re constantly evaluating the security of their offering. Nuance’s