A common misconception about speech recognition software is that it only serves one purpose… transcription. Being collectively housed under the title speech recognition software may be part of the reason people think it’s only about recognising speech for one particular purpose. The truth of the matter is that it’s actually speech recognition-based productivity software. It not only enables you type quicker, but it also helps users work quicker too. The software is designed so that a user could arrange their work routine in such a way that they hardly ever need to use the keyboard or mouse.
However, this isn’t recommended unless the user has very limited use of their hands. The quickest way is the best way, which means that if you just need to press one button instead of issuing a command or drag and click the mouse – do whatever’s quickest. Our mission is to get you to use the software and incorporate it into your daily tasks but not at the sacrifice of speed. Dragon doesn’t mean you have to stop using your mouse for navigation or your keyboard in certain instances, it’s used in combination with these inputs.
Beyond transcription, Dragon opens up a number of avenues for productivity. You could put the headset on and dictate directly, which tends to be first prize and the quickest way of getting your thoughts turned into text. However, there’s nothing stopping you from making a recording away from your desk. Consider medical doctors who do ward rounds. This enables them to visit their patients and record notes about these rounds in a quiet corner. This leads to more accurate reporting and it’s only a hop, skip and jump before it’s transcribed back at their office. Ask us for more detail on how you can integrate this method of transcription into your day.
Another benefit is that you can actually get someone else to transcribe these portable recordings or all recordings on your behalf. The software is licensed per user but enables you to install on two computers, meaning you can have your voice profile on a support staff member’s PC. Using your profile, this enables them to transcribe audio recordings and correct them on your behalf – freeing you up to focus on other work.
One of the other major benefits of using Dragon is that it enables you to build time-saving shortcuts and powerful macros. A few customisations and you’ll be able to insert your signature or standard boilerplate text at the drop of a command. Or, why not fast-track a string of tasks by housing them under one command. For example, if the first thing you do in the morning after starting up your PC is open your Outlook, create a new email, address it to someone, enter a subject line and start with “Good morning colleagues”… you can automate it to do all of this in a flash. Talk to use about any of the above if it’s not clear – we’ll be able to find a snug fit for the software to be effective in your specific work conditions.