When you’ve grown up with keyboards, they make complete sense. The configuration of buttons in the QWERTY combination may have been a bit of a jump and a learning curve, but after some time and many hours of typing, your fingers develop a sense for where each button lies. It’s a learned skill that requires patience, practice and a slow adoption process. Some typists take courses in order to learn how to touch-type, becoming proficient and achieving remarkable word per minute speeds with high levels of accuracy.
The problem is that not everyone can touch type and more importantly, it’s becoming outmoded with advances in speech recognition software. Typing is a mechanical process, one that has been propagated by an adoption of keyboards into almost every computing device. Cell phones, tablets, laptops and PCs… the keyboard has become a standard component. But that’s slowly changing with the advent of speech recognition software, the integration of the technology into many aspects of our daily lives.
One thing’s for sure, it’s the way of the future. Cars are beginning to self drive, so why can’t people enjoy the same level of comfort from their work stations. There’s loads of research to suggest that the sedentary lifestyle is detrimental to our health. It’s prompted companies like DeskStand to offer multi-tiered alternatives to the lowly office chair. Another factor to consider is just how hunched up your body is when you’re typing. A DeskStand unit can open you up to allow you to type and stand but take it one step further and you can use your voice to relinquish the keyboard as your primary input.
Repetitive stress injuries and carpal tunnel syndrome are becoming more prevalent in our times with people constantly typing on their computers or cellphones. Alleviating this pressure can be done by incorporating a product like Dragon Professional 15, which allows users to lean back, kick their feet up and talk. Much like being on a phone call, you can simply dictate responses to emails, making the turnaround time faster and get your documents done without breaking a sweat.
HCD can help you overcome the hurdle of adapting your work situation to a product like Dragon. Our trainers and tech support team are able to assist you with installing the software, advising on the best hardware, periphery input devices and can even augment your work flow with time-saving shortcuts and custom voice commands.
You may only know typing right now but like your first flight on a commercial plane, you’ll only know just how much better it is when you’ve tried it. Contact us to find out more, answer your questions and get you into the next age of productivity. Speaking of questions, your keyboard is still useful when it comes to using Dragon… sometimes it’s just easier to hit a button, but being able to say “press Enter” and transcribe reams of dictation instantly with workflow benefits… we believe a new dawn in input is upon us.