Dragon has a variety of ways to increase your productivity. One of the transcription options is to create your draft and attend to the fix up later. This sounds like an obvious thing to say, but it’s actually a bit trickier to do when you’re using voice recording as an input. The reason being that when you type something, it’s typically what you intended to come out. You had full control over the keystrokes, so apart from the possibility of some omissions and typos, things will generally turn out close to the original meaning.

correct later

The difference when it comes to speech-to-text is that voice recognition requires an intermediary when it comes to transcribing your words. The soundwaves you produce are being filtered through an intelligent system, which while often close to 100% accurate, can make mistakes. This is why it’s so important to correct misrecognitions. Doing so improves your voice profile’s accuracy and ensures the same misrecognitions cease to happen. A stitch in time…

The beauty of being able to create a first draft and then return later is that if you’re working with a support team, they’ll be able to do this work on your behalf. Dragon has an option to store and link audio and text so that if you come back to a document a week or even year later, you’ll still be able to hear what was originally dictated.

This helps support staff correct and format documents on your behalf if you don’t have the time to deal with proofing and formatting. It also means your record-keeping is doubled up, giving sound and text as an option for retrieval. Get in touch if you want to focus on just getting the text down on the page without having to proof check or want the luxury of being able to come back to you a document a resume at a later stage.

Dictate Now, Correct Later
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