Dragon is a product that helps users get more done in less time. Being able to dictate and have the words appear on screen almost instantaneously is its main feature, something that tends to overshadow its many other time-saving features. Being an author or screenwriter, the software actually makes a lot of sense. When it comes to storytelling you want to be able to connect with audiences using language that feels organic. This is especially true for screenwriting where words need to be comfortable enough to say and make sense for people to use in ordinary dialogue. If you say these words, they’ll come across as more natural and help create the world the characters live and breathe in. It takes a while to adjust to the right register with Dragon but this speed of deploying words typically makes it easier to write your way out of writer’s block. “Just write” is advice to get out of a rut but being able to just talk seems a lot easier. Dreaming up these worlds can be much easier to do with your eyes closed and Dragon also allows authors to free up their hands by simply dictating.

dragon for doctors

  • Write Faster and More Naturally
  • Don’t Worry About Spelling
  • Free Up Your Hands for Reference Checks
  • Get Your Ideas on the Page Quicker
  • Take Your Story on the Road with Portable Recording
  • Reduce Risks Associated with RSI and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Writers often come up with story ideas in the strangest places. If you’re feeling inspired you want to jot down those notes immediately. Use a digital recorder or your smartphone to record your voice notes and email them to yourself for automatic transcription. Why limit your place of work to your desk when you can take a walk through the woods or live through your character and tell your story on-the-go.


Do you handwrite your books or screenplay? Now you can save on transcription costs by dictating your notes straight to page. Don’t waste time and money on paying someone to decipher your scribblings when you can do it all on your own for a fraction of the cost. Your editor can fix up errors but Dragon seldom makes spelling mistakes. Improve the accuracy of your writing so that your editor doesn’t get stuck with typos and spelling errors.


Add your character’s names and create time-saving shortcuts to enter formatted text quicker for screenwriting. Tired of repeating yourself? Now you can create custom autotext templates to ensure you get through work quicker. Whether you’re using email or creating boilerplate text, you can have these handy workflow improvements on standby. Work according to your comfort level. Whether you like working with your feet kicked up or pacing around the room, Dragon makes it possible for you to choose how you interact with your writing.