About Human Capital Development

Who is Human Capital Development?

HCD is a group of enthusiastic, professional and knowledgeable speech recognition (aka voice recognition) and digital voice dictation solution providers. We help you become more efficient by easily transforming your voice into text and even controlling your computer operations by speech.

What geographical area does HCD service?

We are able to provide products, tech support and training remotely online via AnyDesk. Physically based in South Africa, our focus on products and services is in the following regions:

  • Johannesburg
  • Cape Town
  • Durban
  • Port Elizabeth

Who uses HCD’s products and services?

The majority of our clients are medical and legal
practitioners, although we also have clients with physical limitations,
as well as individuals who spend a great deal of their time on the
computer or are in need of finding extra time in a day to be more
productive (i.e. writers and analysts).

Speech Recognition or Digital Voice Dictation

What is the difference between speech recognition and digital voice dictation?

Speech recognition is a computer software application transforming your spoken words into text and enabling you to issue voice commands to control functions on your computer. In other words, when you say “Dear John comma new paragraph Thank you for your email full stop…” into a microphone that is connected to your computer, speech recognition software (such as Dragon) types that text for you. When you say “Send”, speech recognition sends your finished email.

Digital voice dictation is the evolution of tape driven dictation solutions (i.e. tape recorders, and desktop tape transcribers). Digital voice recorders record your voice in superior audio quality, and are flexible, allowing you to record your dictation anytime and anywhere.
The completed digital recordings are sent to another person via the Internet (email or FTP) or across a local network of computers. The resulting digital dictation is transcribed by a human (with headset and foot pedal, similar to its analog predecessor) or by Dragon (speech recognition software).

How do I know if I need speech recognition and digital dictation?

We encourage you to contact us, and we will assist you in making this determination.
However, typically, if you are seldom in front of your computer or do not wish to use a computer yourself, then digital voice dictation will become integral to your solution.

Speech recognition and digital dictation technologies are implemented separately or in combination, depending on what is most beneficial to your needs.

How do I know if I need speech recognition and digital dictation?

We encourage you to contact us, and we will assist you in making this determination.
However, typically, if you are seldom in front of your computer or do not wish to use a computer yourself, then digital voice dictation will become integral to your solution.

Speech recognition and digital dictation technologies are implemented separately or in combination, depending on what is most beneficial to your needs.

What are the benefits in using speech recognition and/or digital dictation?

The key benefits are improved efficiencies; accomplishing more in less time. Even if you type over 85 words per minute, using speech recognition is much faster in terms of transcribing speech to text but also for controlling your computer through voice commands.
Transcription of dictation from a digital voice recorder is also accomplished much faster than its analogue predecessor. As time is money, the return on investment in either of these technologies is pronounced.

Value added in text creation is also demonstrable when using speech recognition, particularly in email and notations. Most individuals find that speaking is far easier than typing and therefore more thorough and detailed information is provided when using speech recognition over manually typing. For our medical and legal clients, this is a very noticeable boon.

Independence and self-reliance is also quite clear, as users of these technologies quickly discover how much documentation they can perform themselves without relying on support staff, which is not always available when needed most.

More Information on Dragon

How has Dragon NaturallySpeaking evolved since its earlier versions?

HCD have been experienced Dragon NaturallySpeaking users since version 3, and few software products over the years have grown as much as Dragon NaturallySpeaking has. Every version surpasses its predecessor both in accuracy and effectiveness. As hardware progresses, so does Dragon NaturallySpeaking which depends upon hardware advances for improvements.

Long gone are the days of speaking slowly and waiting an eternity for the computer to respond. In fact, Dragon prefers if you speak quickly and fluidly; it truly is naturally speaking.

I know someone who tried Dragon NaturallySpeaking and they said it didn’t work. Why would that be?

There are, unfortunately, all too many reasons for Dragon NaturallySpeaking to not live up to a user’s expectations. The following factors influence success or failure with Dragon:

  • the variant and version of Dragon,
  • hardware including PC and microphone,
  • software used with Dragon,
  • installation and setup of Dragon’s options,
  • training method,
  • dictation techniques,
  • effective use of the many features within Dragon, and
  • a user having sufficient opportunity to learn Dragon.

HCD is happy to share our vast knowledge and expertise, ensuring that you are successful and soaring with Dragon as quickly as possible.

Which microphone products does HCD provide?

We provide Plantroincs headset microphones (wired and wireless), Sennheiser headset microphones (wired and wireless), and Philips & Olympus handheld microphones (wired and wireless).

What is the best microphone to use with Dragon NaturallySpeaking?

We make every effort to find and provide our clients with the best microphone of every category. If we will not use it ourselves, we will not sell it. More importantly is matching a microphone type to your particular needs. When we find a superior microphone in the future, we adjust our offerings accordingly.

Why should I not use a microphone from a big retail store?

You can, although most individuals have poorer experiences with these microphones. Quality is essential, and consumer brands and models often lack the superior design and engineering that makes professional grade microphones stand apart, lending to a much higher recognition accuracy.

Does a digital voice recorder work as well as microphone with Dragon NaturallySpeaking?

They can work equally well provided:

  • the recorder and microphone are of high quality,
  • the Dragon user profile was set up appropriately, and
  • are being used correctly.

What are the realistic speeds I can dictate with Dragon NaturallySpeaking and what accuracy can I achieve?

It is possible to achieve nearly 100% accuracy and dictate between 140 and 160 words per minute. However, much depends on how well a person articulates, accent, computer literacy, and other factors. We provide you with a solution and show you exactly how to achieve the highest level of success possible with Dragon NaturallySpeaking.

Digital Voice Dictation and Transcription

Which digital dictation and transcription products does HCD provide?

We primarily provide the professional range of dictation and transcription from Olympus and Philips, as well as appropriate accessories.

We also provide the standard range of digital dictation and transcription products manufactured by Olympus and Philips.

Why is digital better than analogue?

The reasons are many; some are as follows and specific to a professional digital voice dictation solution:

  • There are no tapes to damage, lose or replace, thereby minimizing consumable costs.
  • There are no courier costs (digital files are transmitted instantly via Internet or local computer network).
  • With very few moving parts, the robust design of a digital voice recorder requires considerably less maintenance.
  • Audio quality is much improved, increasing transcription accuracy and turnaround time.
  • Digital transcriptionists organize dictations more rapidly, also increasing efficiency.
  • Workflow of dictations are easily managed in the instance of multiple typing pools or transcriptionists.
  • Analogue repair, replacements and accessories have become more costly than digital.

Why should I not use a digital recorder from a big retail store?

Whether you have previously used the classic analogue recorder with its slide switch or not, there is truly nothing more comfortable than a recording device with an ergonomic slide switch.
Such an interface is not found in big retail or office supply stores.

However, the true value of a professional digital voice dictation solution is in the very necessary and powerful software.
Again, seamless workflow from dictation to a finished document is not possible with a big retail store recorder.

Do I need HCD to install the digital dictation software?

You may certainly perform the installation of the software yourself, however there are numerous configuration options to consider, and challenges may occur in their setup in some scenarios. We have over a decade of invaluable digital dictation experience, not to mention we provide 30 days of free telephone and email support after installation and setup. Our clients have found the cost well worth their investment.

Receiving a Solution from HCD

What is involved in setting up a solution?

A demonstration from HCD is not necessary, but if desired, is arranged. More important is a consultation session to ensure that you are provided with the best solution for your needs.

With your needs understood and a clear solution outlined, we will provide you with a quotation for review. Once the solution is approved, appointments are arranged and the solution is implemented on a mutually convenient timetable.

Why do you not have prices listed on your website?

Several reasons, actually:

  • We are solution providers, first and foremost (rather than a box mover), and part of our pre-sales is to assist you make an informed decision regarding your needs (i.e. too many people buy products from vendors that they don’t need or that don’t perform as truly desired). As a result, hopefully we have an opportunity to speak with you in addition to sharing current prices.
  • Pricing varies depending on solution and quantities.
  • Pricing changes based on supplier and markets. As we are adamant about keeping our pricing fair, we adjust pricing fairly quickly.
  • We sometimes hold stock with special pricing.

Why should I buy from HCD?

Our pricing is very fair, our customer service and support are exemplary, our advice is honest and sincere, and we routinely go above and beyond the call of duty to ensure that you are delighted with your solution. With over 15 years in business, we plan on continuing to provide efficiency delivering technology solutions.